Episode 1: Introducing Danikka & Erin!

  • Danikka: Hey there, welcome to the Snailed It Podcast with Danikka and Erin, brought to you by Authors Own Publishing.

    Erin: Hi everyone, welcome to the Snailed It podcast with Danikka and Erin.

    Danikka: This is episode one. It's kind of funny because it's future Danikka and Erin coming back to episode one. We've already recorded quite a few episodes and had an episode one recorded, but we weren't really sure what we were doing. And were just kind of playing the game and seeing where it took us. Now we're coming back to reintroduce ourselves and tell you a bit more about the Snailed It podcast and Authors Own Publishing, which is what this podcast is attached to. So that, yeah, you're not thrown by how the podcast has no relation whatsoever to Authors Own, even though Authors Own is already, you know, up and running and people have seen it.

    Danikka: Yeah, I guess I'll go first. I'm Danikka. I'm the editor and founder at Authors Own Publishing, which is a hybrid publishing house for indie authors. It's Authors Own, the home of indie publishing is our full title and tagline, but yeah, I have worked with Erin since her first book. That's how we met each other, but I'll let Erin talk more about that in a minute, but I've been editing for three and a bit years now on and off, mostly with indie authors. And I really want to just do a podcast because I had done a podcast before in a past life and really enjoyed it. So then this is how we got here, basically.

    Erin: How did we get to it? Did we, we must have, I think one of us said, I'd really like to do a podcast and the other one went, me too. We're like, we should just do a podcast.

    Danikka: We should just do it together. Yeah. But yeah, that's, that's my background and we can, we can dive more into it, but I'll let Erin do a bit of an intro as well.

    Erin: Hi everyone. I'm Erin. I am an indie author. I'm about to publish my third book, which Danikka has edited.

    Danikka: One month to go.

    Erin: One month to go. It'll be probably, will it be out in the world by the time this is playing? Probably, possibly.

    Danikka: Possibly, depends how organized I am.

    Erin: Yeah, we'll see how we go. I started, I've been writing on and off since my mid-twenties maybe, and sort of dropped it for a while and then started again. And at the start of 2021 decided that if I wanted to take this writing thing more seriously, I needed to do more than just a first draft of something, cause that's all I've done. So I started an author Instagram and then worked on a second draft of The Wedding Planners and then met Danikka on Instagram. I won a coffee chat giveaway that you did. And then by the end of that initial coffee chat, I had booked in the edit for Wedding Planners and now here we are, three books later.

    Danikka: Yeah, three books. And we just spent the first 15 minutes of our call getting ready to film this podcast, talking about the next few books.

    Erin: Talking about the next few. Yes, indeed. I still don't often feel like I know what I'm doing, but I think that's indie publishing a little bit. And even, it doesn't matter how many books you've published, you always kind of feel like you don't quite know what you're doing. I don't think I ever intended to publish. When you first start, I think everyone sort of expects to see their books, you know, in a bookshop on the shelf. But I didn't really have the patience for that.

    Danikka: It's a long process.

    Erin: It's a long process. And I didn't really like the idea of the gatekeeping, I suppose. I didn't like the idea of someone else telling me that my stories were good enough to publish. I believed in them and I thought they were okay. And so I didn't really want to wait to put them out into the world. And so here we are.

    Danikka: Yeah. And honestly, I think that's a big part of why indie publishing is making as big a comeback as it is, is because the traditional publishing industry is just, it's too corporate now. Like it's very, you know, long wait lists and hopes and dreams and you're just a number in the machine and all of those things. And it's just, it's not the personal kind of relationship that people really have with books. So I think it's kind of bringing authors back to be in contact with their audiences again in a way that they haven't really been while traditional publishing has been a big kind of thing. Because that's how the publishing industry started was with self-publishing with people, you know, putting their own money forward and publishing their books and, you know, that kind of thing. And then it kind of got industrialized and incorporated. And now, now we're kind of going back to the small creators again, which I'm all for. I think it's great. My voice is quite croaky again today, but I'll just, I'll pretend I sound like Mrs S, Marion, which is a character in Erin's books who is Goddess level. Yeah.

    Erin: She's amazing. Yeah.

    Danikka: Catherine Hepburn. Yeah.

    Erin: That smoky old Hollywood voice.

    Danikka: Style voice. Smoky voice.

    Danikka: Yeah. We wanted to start a podcast because I feel like every time we catch up for your editing catch-ups, we kind of almost have a podcast level chat anyway.

    Erin: Chat.

    Danikka: Like we'll talk about your book and then we chat about other stuff and we just kind of wanted, like, there's lots of informational podcasts out there and like, we'll have some informational stuff, but we kind of just wanted it to feel like you were sitting around a table and having a bookish chat with us because I feel like people who love books, they don't often have like a group of people around them who also love books. Like it's almost like an individual thing.

    Erin: Yeah, not necessarily. Or you might have some people who like some of the same books, but not all. Like I am a fantasy and romance reader. And for a long time I didn't tell anyone that I read romance because it gets ragged on so badly.

    Danikka: Yeah

    Erin: And I was not super confident in my reading. Obviously now I am and I write romance. Yeah. So, and so there's a lot of, you might have some people who like the same books, but other people who don't. So we're just trying to bridge that gap.

    Danikka: Yeah. And there's, yeah, just no gatekeeping. Like we were talking about like monster fucker books just before we started this episode. And like, there'll be lots of other things to talk about. There's a really fun episode in Fourth Wing coming up if you've read Fourth Wing. And if you haven't read Fourth Wing, then maybe that episode will help you decide whether or not you want to.

    Erin: I was chatting over someone with DMs about Fourth Wing this morning because they haven't read it yet, they hadn't read it yet.

    Danikka: Yeah. So yeah, there's just lots of fun stuff coming up. And in some of the future episodes, we kind of skirt around the idea of Authors Own because we weren't sure what was going to come first, Authors Own or the podcast. So yeah, this is just a heads up that we might talk about this big thing coming, but that big thing is Authors Own and it's already here.

    Erin: Voila.

    Danikka: Yeah, exactly. So yeah, we've got some fun guests coming up for you. We're going to do some buddy reading episodes, which Fourth Wing was the first one. And then we've got a romance book that we're going to read as well. So yeah, if you think of anything that you'd like us to chat about, then yeah, please send one of us a DM and we'd love to do that. We'll link both of our socials and our websites in the description of the podcast. So if you want to check out Erin's books, please do that because they're really cool and we love them. And I mean, I might be biased from an editor's perspective, but I do like I hadn't read contemporary romance in a long time before I started reading your books and they kind of reignited that love of contemporary romance in me.

    Erin: Oh, that's good.

    Danikka: Like, yeah, I love them. And I love your characters. If you like contemporary romance, you should definitely try Erin's books. And I'm writing a romantasy, political romance at the moment as well. So we talk a bit about... Oh, and that's an episode we haven't done yet that we will do is Why I Stopped Writing. And we're going to talk about the first things that we wrote and why they were...

    Erin: That's right.

    Danikka: Scary.

    Erin: Forgot about that. Why did we agree on that one?

    Danikka: Yeah. So lots of... No bars held, I suppose, is what it's going to be. We'll just... And lots of swearing because we're both Aussies. So heads up.

    Erin: Lots of swearing, lots of tangents.

    Danikka: Yes. So many tangents.

    Erin: Lots of rambles.

    Danikka: The episode will probably say one topic and we'll talk about three other topics in the episode. So enjoy that too.

    Erin: You're welcome. In advance.

    Danikka: Yeah. But really, that's just our intro to this episode. We will tell you more about Authors Own in a future episode. But I didn't want this episode to be a promo episode. I just wanted you to hear our voices and know that we chat and have fun. And yeah, come along for the ride. We can't wait to hear your thoughts on the things that we talk about. And, you know, maybe you'll find yourself on the podcast one day. Who knows?

    Erin: Maybe.

    Danikka: Awesome. Okay, cool. Well, I think we'll wrap that up for Episode 1 and we'll see you or talk to you in the next episode.

    Erin: See you next time. Bye.

    Danikka: Thank you for listening to the Snailed It podcast with Danikka and Erin. Brought to you by Authors Own Publishing, the home of indie publishing. Don't forget to subscribe wherever you listen to your podcasts and follow us on Instagram at Authors Own Publishing. Music brought to you by Mikel with more details in the show notes.

Episode Description

Welcome to the Snailed It Podcast with Danikka and Erin! Jump right in to learn about us and what’s coming up next. Brought to you by: Authors Own Publishing, Danikka Taylor, and Erin Thomson.

Danikka’s Details:

Website: www.authorsownpublishing.com

Instagram: @danikkataylor or @authorsownpublishing

Erin’s Details:

Website: www.erinthomsonauthor.com

Instagram: @authorerinthomson

Intro & Outro Music by Mikel & GameChops. The views and opinions expressed in this podcast are solely those of the individuals involved and do not necessarily reflect the views of Authors Own Publishing. Thanks for Listening!


Episode 2: Talking Author’s Own